About the MOU being signed and successful event

Supercharged Bikes & Signed Deals: Did India Steal the Show at Mobility Live ME 24?  

The India Pavilion roared at Mobility Live ME 24, showcasing the best of Indian electric mobility to the world! But it wasn’t just about showcasing – it was about forging connections and fueling innovation. Here are some of the most exciting highlights: 

We witnessed the signing of multiple MOUs between leading Indian EV companies. This wasn’t just about putting pen to paper; it was about forging powerful partnerships that will propel the EV industry forward. 

InnovMon & Silverback Bikes: Perfect EV match made in heaven! InnovMon, with its cutting-edge EV tech, joins forces with Silverback Bikes, renowned for its rugged, high-performance electric motorcycles. This collaboration promises groundbreaking advancements in battery technology and supercharging capabilities. 

ConnectM & Silverback Bikes: Sustainability meets power! ConnectM, a leader in clean energy solutions, joins hands with Silverback Bikes. Imagine eco-friendly charging solutions seamlessly integrated with Silverback’s supercharged bikes – the future of sustainable riding is here! 

InfinityX & Silverback Bikes (Bonus!): Talk about a dream team! InfinityX, with its revolutionary 30-second cell-swapping technology, joins forces with Silverback Bikes. Imagine conquering long distances on a Silverback with InfinityX’s rapid cell-swapping tech – range anxiety becomes a thing of the past! 

Silverback Steals the Show: Supercharged Bikes Captivate Audiences 

But the MOUs weren’t the only highlight. Silverback Bikes unveiled their groundbreaking electric motorcycle, featuring the world’s first supercharging technology! Visitors were mesmerized by its power, durability, and lightning-fast charging capabilities. The talk around the Silverback booth was undeniable, and it’s clear that these supercharged bikes are ready to disrupt the EV market. 

The India Pavilion: Revolutionizing Tomorrow 

The India Pavilion’s journey at Mobility Live ME 24 has been a resounding success. We envisioned a platform to connect the world with India’s mobility brilliance, and together, we achieved just that!  

Witnessing successful MOUs, groundbreaking unveilings, and the wave of positive responses. We’re sure the India Pavilion has set the stage for a powerful push towards a global electric revolution! 

This is just the beginning! Stay tuned for more updates on the incredible advancements coming out of India’s electric mobility sector. 

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